Purchase printed workbooks for every student so that they can follow along and take home a memento as they Experience the Wild and Wonderful World of Music!
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Product Details
In this space-themed musical exploration, students will enjoy listening to the dramatic collection of pieces in Gustav Holst’s The Planets. Seven movements capture each of the planets in our solar system (besides Earth) with colorful instrumentation and engaging harmonies. In addition to learning fun facts about the planets, students will spend time at the piano creating their own music, learn about different kinds of scales, sing songs of praise (including one in Latin with a really cool round!), move in sync to the dance steps of Electric Slide, and play all kinds of games to reinforce the musical concepts being learned. Students will love this action-packed adventure into the wild and wonderful world of music!
Natalie Weber, NCTM, has been a music educator for over 25 years. She owns and operates an independent piano studio in Derby, Kansas, and runs Music Matters Blog, which is dedicated to inspiring creativity in music education. She has created and published dozens of piano resources that are used by piano teachers around the globe. The Piano Expeditions programs were created to provide fun and memorable music experiences for children of all ages in a group setting. What better way to explore the Wild and Wonderful World of Music than by participating in an unforgettable Piano Expedition?!