Practice Incentive Themes
Looking for a way to ignite student motivation in your piano studio? Check out these year-long practice incentive themes that will have your students enthusiastically working toward goals and watching their progress on the studio wall! Each program takes some prep work in the summer to get the materials printed and organized, but once the theme is set in motion, lesson planning for the year is a breeze because you will have a framework to work within as students select goals and work toward mastering specific level-appropriate assignments. (You can find out more about the philosophy behind developing each theme here: 4 Components of a Good Practice Incentive.)
Each practice incentive program is a downloadable zip file that contains all the documents, files, pictures, and information you need to implement the program successfully in your studio. Get ready to have your most exciting year yet as your students try to beat the pirates to the treasure, crack the mystery codes, collect composers before they vanish, or many more possibilities. Check out each theme for all the exciting details!